Monday, November 15, 2010

11.15.10 - Todays caffeine fueled entry

I have kept up drawing pretty much daily, however most of it isn't worth posting. Today's doodle was a Doctor Who collage. I'd like to polish this one up some and make a proper fan art piece.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

11.4 - 11.5: More Paul the Octopus

Still getting used to using ink...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010

10.29.10 - Introducing 맥주 (MaekJu)

맥주 means beer in Korean. How did 맥주 get his name... One day he was scavaging for some fruits and just so happened to come upon some fermented ones and got horribly drunk. 맥주 is from Korea (tho I don't think Korea has raccoons... I call Artistic license ^.^) and he's a friendly lil raccoon. When he see newcomer Trevor scared and lonely, he goes to become friends with him. However, Trevor does not speak Korean and they must find a way to understand each other.

I wasn't too happy with the way this one came out. I'm having some issues with bodies at the moment.

This one came out better, I just need to darken it up some.

I hope to turn Trevor's and 맥주 adventures in learning to understand each other, into a project to help me learn Korean. I think focusing on sentences instead of vocabulary might speed up my conversational skills.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

10.28.10 - Introducing Trevor and Art Trading Cards

For a while now, a few of my friends have be making hand drawn art trading cards. Today I took the plunge and joined in. I dedicated my first card to Paul the Octopus. It's a "Commemorative Card: in his honor. I'm still getting the hang of hand drawing and shading (darn the ease of computer aided drawing/illustrating).

For my second card I went for a panda I've been working on. His name is Trevor. He's going to be a bit of a klutz. Trevor will meet a new friend friend shortly (who I will introduce soon... when I decide on a name...).

I've decided to number each card somewhere. The first card has a small #1 located on the left under Paul's tentacle. I hope to have them either blend in or really stand out.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

10.27.10 - Paul the Octopus

Yesterday I found out that Paul the Octopus (the Psychic one who predicted World Cup Winners) had passed away.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Daily Drawing Sessions

Have become daily ^.^

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Wow it's been a while since my last post...

I've been working at a Children's Publishing company for a little over a month now and I love it. It's exactly the job I've always wanted.

Other than finally becoming employed. New York Comic con was not to long ago. I have to say it was the most fun I have ever had at a convention. Which is weird since it was primarily a comics convention even though it was combined with NY Anime fest (that and was super crowded and way corporate).

Highlight of the con was meeting Jim Butcher and having him sign 2 of my Dresden Files books (Grave Peril and Dead Beat). Grave Peril is the book which really got me hooked on the Dresden Files and Dead Beat is my favorite so far (I'm up to White Knight).

^Jim Butcher is on the far left (he cut his hair >_<)^

I also went to a couple of really good panels. A fantasy writers one featuring Jim Butcher, Joe Abercrombie, Peter V. Brett, Naomi Novik, Brandon Sandersons and Deborah Harkness , and "A evening with James Marsters" which was really great. Marsters seems to have a really genuine and appreciative personality for someone in his career (which made spending the 45 bucks on a handshake and Torchwood glossy photo for him to sign well worth it).

The masquerade was oky. Only a few stand out performances which you can watch on youtube.

During my down time I volunteered at various times and places during the weekend. Mostly telling people to go to hall 1C for the IGN theater panels and handing out maps and swag bags.

On the last day of the con some friends and I opted to sleep in and hit up the Korean Harvest Festival at Randals Island. Chuosuk festival in NY usually brings 1 or 2 big name music groups from Korea. My first time going (while it was still held in Flushing) was Ivy. The Wonder Girls performed one year too. This year Lee Hyori was scheduled, though I don't think she performed. Anyway, the performances are usually Saturday night and my priorities were at Comic Con, so we only ended checking out the stands, trying samples, looking at stuff to buy and ultimately eating. We hung around for some Korean style wrestling then headed back to Javits center to wander around for the last few hours of the con.

The night ended at Shanghi Mongs in K-town and then home to crash (back to work on Monday).

During the Fantasy Writers Panels, something that all the authors agreed on was writing a set limit every day (even if it's crap). That's something that can be pretty much applied to any hobby. Which has led me (slowly) to drawing everyday.

Lately after work, a group of friends and I go for a stroll around the area, eat, and then draw. It's been really productive.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Weekend Adventures

I'm Employed! So my adventures (biking and regular) will have now have to fall on the weekends and holidays. Saturday some friends and I went for a joy ride to Far Rockaway to check out Fort Tilden. Neither any of my friends or I had ever been to Far Rockaway before so it was a bit of an adventure getting there. I don't know how the commute is, but it looked like a nice area (and it was right on the beach). With Hurricane Earl working its way up the east coast the waves were fun to watch.

The rest are on my Flickr

Sunday was an Bike Adventure to Mitsuwa in New Jersey. The weather was perfect for riding, so with an bright and early start at 9:30 we rode to Flushing and caught the 7 train into the city. Exiting out at Bryant Park we headed west for the Hudson river green path to make our way up to the George Washington Bridge. The west side green path is such a nice ride (and smooth). I wish I lived in the city then I would be able to ride it every day. Once we got over to the New Jersey side there was a HUGE curvy hill down to Edgewater. When we finally to Mitsuwa food was the only thing on my mind. I really wanted goyza, but I needed meat so I opted for chicken katsu. After eating, browsing and relaxing by the water it was getting late, so we had to figure out how we were going to get back to New York. There was that HUGE hill to face if we were going to back track (which did not sound fun). So on to our options: NY Waterway ferry at 9.50 each (with a bike) or ride down to Hoboken and take the Path. We chose the Path.

Overall it was a little over 33 mile ride (not counting the subway rides).

Sunday, August 29, 2010

New York Renaissance Faire

^ Taken by the dude selling the hermit crabs ^

Saturday some friends and I went to check out the Renaissance Faire in Tuxedo New York. We dined on Turkey legs, Steak on a Steak, and Mead; did some archery and watched lots of interesting events.

It was my second time there and happened to be pirate weekend so I wore my pirate hat and sword and skull and cross bone earrings.

I didn't take as many photos as I would have liked to (I only brought one lens with me >_<).

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Summer Streets 2010 - Week 2

Though we got off to bit of a late start, it was a great ride. Over all around 30 miles.

We started off at my garage and rode to Flushing Meadows Park, where we met up with the rest of our group, then took the 7 train to the city. First thing I learned was going up stairs with a bike is EVIL, going down is much easier, and I owe a HUGE thanks to Oliver and Christine who helped me up the stairs.

The weather was frickin' awesome (tho a lil chilly for swimming in the dumpster pools). I saw tons of dogs in baskets and trailers, I also saw a unicyclist (I wonder if he rode the whole route!?). Another oddity was the petty cab hauling the stripper pole with ladies dancing.

After they opened up the streets again, we made our way over to China town for food and some window shopping (J&L and Elizabeth street mall). We then rode up the East side green route where we were going to take the subway back but caught our second winds and rode back to flushing.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Summer Streets 2010

Today my body is a bit stiff, but I survived my first time ever riding to the city from Queens ^.^

Summer Streets was pretty fun, next week I really want to try out the dumpster pool and go both uptown to down and then down to up. Oh and take more pictures.

Over all it was about a 36 mile ride (not counting the brief ride on the 7 train back to Queens :P).

Thursday, August 5, 2010

What I've been up to:

Other than job hunting, I've been bit by the biking bug.

After completing my first "Tour de Queens" I bought a new bike and have been a cycling demon. I love the freedom and the money I'm saving not having to spend on the bus.

The other day I discovered a site called "Map My Ride", that lets me log my ride (it's frick'n awesome) I wish I had a iPhone so I could hook it up with the GPS and have it map automaticly.

Today I rode about 11 miles:

This Saturday starts off "Summer Streets". I have walked it a few times but this will be the first time I've ridden it (and ridden to the city).

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cardinal Family

Recently a family of cardinals moved into the tree outside my place. I was taking pictures of the male sitting in a tree chirping to his lady, when I looked and saw that there was a baby bird in the tree right next to me. The male and female cardinal were giving the baby flying lessons. It was really cute watching them fly with the lil one and staying close when he couldn't make it as far as they could.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Graduation and the Air Show

Graduation was Thursday. I didn't know what the ceremony was going to be like at Queens College and was nicely surprised with how quick it went (as I was roasting in my oven bag cap and gown). After the main ceremony each major broke off into individual ceremonies where awards were given out (I received Honors in Art). Then it was off to Olive Garden with my family.

Friday I spent cleaning out the studio. I'm going to miss having that art space.

And today I caught the tail end of the "Bethpage Federal Credit Union 2010 Air Show" at Jones beach. It was insane. I had never seen an air show live in person so I took a TON of pictures.

I posted a bunch to my Flickr

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Raging Pineapple - The Comic

Hung in the student gallery.

Shot with my Yashica-C TLR and Nikon D-60 printed digitally and mounted on museum board. The side prints in the top photo are printed on fiber and I hand colored a few.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Tattooed Tortoise - 3 of 3

Senior Project review is tomorrow and a Art History final Friday then I'm done. T.T I'm gonna miss school.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Three of Three - WIP and Camera Woes

Still gotta add the tattoos and do the final touch ups.
As for my camera woes >_< my wonderfully awesome Yashica-C TLR isn't so wonderfully awesome. The film advance has been wonky and I am only getting 7 shots tops on a 12 frame roll. I'm not sure if it's worth it to get it fixed (since I paid so little for it) or if I should just get another camera. I have been eyeing a few Mamiya and Fuji medium format cameras. I've been wanting something more hand held but still medium format.

And finally, my Senior Project is pretty much done. I'm not posting pictures up till after the review committee goes over it on tuesday. But here's a shot just after being mounted.

They are dry mounted to museum board.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Two of Three - WIP

I LOVE watercolor.

And in other news: My "Mapaches Bandido" was hung on the first floor of the Klapper Hall WOOT WOOT ^.^

Saturday, May 1, 2010

One of Three

22" x 30"

First of 3 sideshow posters I am doing for Drawing II. Assignment was to make a series of 3 (of basically anything). I've been playing around in my sketch book with weird animals and this one just came from that. It's mostly watercolor and some ink.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Los Mapaches Bandido

Spent all day yesterday finishing up this. Total paper size is 26"x 40" art is 24"x 24".

Close up.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Drawing II - Update

Final subway drawing.

Next project WIP

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Epic Painting in Progress

Does it look like sky yet? Gotta add the fluffy clouds next ^.^

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Medium Format Prints

First time printing anything larger than a 8x10. Can't wait to trim and mount on mat board ^.^.
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